Tag: "security" — Displaying all 6 events

Speakers are 72% male.
Speaker count:
14 speakers total and 4 women

WeAreDevelopers Live Week

05.10.2020       virtual

Welcome to the second edition of the WeAreDevelopers Live Week. Join 12,000+ of the world’s brightest minds in software development to learn, share secrets and connect online from the comfort of your home – and for free.

For 5 days, WeAreDevelopers will stream 5 tracks, consisting of hyper-focused coding sessions, hands-on workshops and live Q&A sessions to help take your skills to the next level.

Topics (Tags):
cloud security devops blockchain Machine Learning it

Speakers are 89% male.
Speaker count:
51 speakers total and 6 women

Internet Security (Digital)Days 2020

15.09.2020       Online

Vom 15. bis 18. September 2020 laden eco - Verband der Internetwirtschaft und heise Events zu den ISD Digital 2020 ein. IT-Sicherheits-Experten, Sicherheitsverantwortliche und Anwenderunternehmen treffen sich online, um sich beim umfangreichen Konferenzprogramm über aktuelle Bedrohungen sowie neue Strategien zu informieren und Erfahrungen auszutauschen.

Die ISDs stehen traditionell für hochkarätigen fachlichen Austausch und Networking. Auch als rein virtuelles Event bieten Ihnen die vier Tage vom 15.-18. September zahlreiche Chancen, Ihr Netzwerk zu erweitern!

Topics (Tags):
security Wirtschaft it datenschutz

Speakers are 75% male.
Speaker count:
236 speakers total and 59 women


27.12.2017       Leipzig

Chaos Communication Congress

Topics (Tags):
Computer medien hacking security Internet it

Speakers are 84% male.
Speaker count:
186 speakers total and 31 women

Speakers are 85% male.
Speaker count:
53 speakers total and 8 women

Speakers are 82% male.
Speaker count:
16 speakers total and 3 women

XConf Hamburg

07.07.2015       Hamburg

XConf is a one-day conference that showcases the latest thinking from ThoughtWorks and friends on a broad range of technology topics

Topics (Tags):
Continuous Delivery Tech Leadership security Technologie

Displaying all 6 events