Created with Raphaël 2.1.2Male100%
Speakers are 100% male.
Speaker count:
7 speakers total and 0 women

Digitaler Wandel in der Kreativindustrie

25.04.2013       Berlin


Topics (Tags):
kreative digital berlin

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2Male95%
Speakers are 95% male.
Speaker count:
17 speakers total and one woman

Compliance for Banks 2013

24.04.2013       Köln

Topics (Tags):
koln banken

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2Male91%
Speakers are 91% male.
Speaker count:
11 speakers total and one woman

Medien Meeting Mannheim

24.04.2013       Mannheim


Topics (Tags):
mannheim tagung medien

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2Male100%
Speakers are 100% male.
Speaker count:
12 speakers total and 0 women

Brennpunkt "Medien und Recht"

24.04.2013       Kassel

Vortragsreihe 24.4./22.5./ 26.6.2013 (Sommersemester)

Topics (Tags):
kassel vortragsreihe medien Recht

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2Male100%
Speakers are 100% male.
Speaker count:
4 speakers total and 0 women

telegraphen_lounge zur NEXT: 0 Prozent

23.04.2013       Berlin

2020 sind wir alle Cyborgs!

Topics (Tags):
cyborg medizintechnik next telekom prozent

telegraphen_lounge zur NEXT, 23. April 2013:  2020 sind wir alle Cyborgs!

(Veranstaltet vermutlich von der Telekom, nicht ganz eindeutig erkennbar)

Vier Männer plus Moderator = Null Prozent

Gezählt von Teresa Bücker, @fraeulein_tessa

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2Male76%
Speakers are 76% male.
Speaker count:
129 speakers total and 32 women

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2Male100%
Speakers are 100% male.
Speaker count:
22 speakers total and 0 women

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2Male100%
Speakers are 100% male.
Speaker count:
7 speakers total and 0 women

Günther Jauch: Der Fall des Uli Hoeneß – vom Saubermann zum Steuersünder?


Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob es Sinn macht, jede Talkshow zu zählen..? Jedenfalls:

Topics (Tags):
jauch tv

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2Male89%
Speakers are 89% male.
Speaker count:
36 speakers total and 4 women

The Future of Crowdfunding

17.04.2013       Berlin


Topics (Tags):
crowdsourcing konferenz

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2Male80%
Speakers are 80% male.
Speaker count:
20 speakers total and 4 women

Städtebauliches Kolloquium Städteregion Ruhr 2030

16.04.2013       Dortmund

Veranstaltungsreihe (April bis Juni 2013)

Topics (Tags):
ruhr stadtplanung dortmund

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2Male100%
Speakers are 100% male.
Speaker count:
31 speakers total and 0 women

Online Marketing Rockstars

22.02.2013       Hamburg

Topics (Tags):
hamburg digital marketing

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2Female80%
Speakers are 20% male.
Speaker count:
51 speakers total and 41 women

paraflows.7 - Reverse Engineering

13.09.2012       Wien

Festival für Digitale Kunst und Kulturen

Topics (Tags):
50-prozent-plus wien kunst

Displaying events 621 - 640 of 647 in total