Tag: "frontend"Alle 3 events

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2Männer50%
50% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
4 Personen, davon 2 Frauen

WeAreDevelopers React Day

02.11.2022       Online

In the past years, we could witness the rise of many JavaScript frameworks- but one of them got especially popular: React. It helps you create your websites at a much faster pace, in an easier way, and with a whole lot of style. Therefore, we finally decided to give this amazing piece of tech the chance to have its dedicated topic day here at WeAreDevelopers Live! If you love JavaScript and its frameworks you should definitely tune in and get some recent insights, tips, and knowledge from some true React-Pros! (Of course, we'll try not to fire up the frontend wars - we promise!)

Themen (Tags):
javascript frontend React Development

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2Frauen66%
34% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
15 Personen, davon 10 Frauen


14.10.2017       Bochum

The "Ruhrpott" is not only Germany's biggest metropolitan area, it also has become an important part of Germany's role in information technology. What's missing is a conference for JavaScript developers. We are currently in a planning phase and would like to know who's interested in our conference. Feel free to sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about our next steps and show your interest in our event. Join our event in October on the 14th and 15th 2017.

Themen (Tags):
javascript frontend

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2Männer80%
80% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
25 Personen, davon 5 Frauen

Frontend United 2016

27.06.2016       Ghent

Annual event

Themen (Tags):
Drupal design frontend it

Alle 3 events