82% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
54 Personen, davon 10 Frauen

Potsdamer Konferenz für Nationale CyberSicherheit

19.04.2023       Potsdam

Am 19. und 20. April 2023 treffen am HPI hochrangige Vertreter:innen deutscher und internationaler Sicherheitsbehörden sowie Expert:innen aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft zusammen, um die Cybersicherheitslage zu analysieren und sich zu den aktuellen und zukünftigen Herausforderungen auszutauschen.

Themen (Tags):
cybersicherheit Digitale Souveränität Cybersicherheitslage

0% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
10 Personen, davon 10 Frauen


30.06.2023       Berlin

We aim to celebrate inclusivity and diversity in various tech communities by organizing a “Women+ in Data and AI” tech summer festival where we create opportunities to engage in technical, professional, and non-technical conversations in a positive, supportive environment. We will provide talks by women and gender minority individuals working in data engineering, data science, machine learning, and mlops. Additionally, we will host non-technical workshops and networking events.

The festival is inclusive to be attended by anyone regardless of gender, identity, or technical background.

The term “women and gender minorities” is inclusive of women (trans and cis), trans-men, and persons who are non-binary, genderqueer, genderfluid, agender, intersex, and all other minority genders.

Themen (Tags):
Data Engineering Datascience and Machine Learning MLOps

2% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
557 Personen, davon 551 Frauen

Women in Tech Global Conference

09.05.2023       Online

​​​​​​The hybrid conference will bring women in tech, minorities and allies from all over the world together through an interactive platform featuring live educational & training content, keynotes, engaging panels, breakout rooms, technical workshops, and networking with virtual and in-person sessions.

57% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
32 Personen, davon 14 Frauen

Handelsblatt Change Congress 2022

15.11.2022       Berlin

New Era! Organisationen zwischen Tradition und Innovation

68% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
73 Personen, davon 24 Frauen

Handelskongress Deutschland

16.11.2022       Berlin

Der Handelskongress Deutschland bringt 2022 unter dem #ShapingTheFuture eine Branche zusammen, die Wandel offen annimmt, zukunftsorientiert agiert und sich aufgeschlossen zeigt für Innovationen sowie die Chancen, die diese mitbringen.

50% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
4 Personen, davon 2 Frauen

WeAreDevelopers Machine Learning Day

14.12.2022       Wien

Get ready for exciting insights and best practices about Machine Learning - the probably most interesting field of tech. From AI over deep learning to computer vision and even using the cloud to be even more productive - we have curated some of the most recent topics for you to become an ML Pro! Interested? Then get yourself comfortable and join us at the Machine Learning Day!

Themen (Tags):
AI software Machine Learning Development

50% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
4 Personen, davon 2 Frauen

WeAreDevelopers Container Day

16.11.2022       Wien

Containers are meant to be a better way to develop and deploy applications – are they?

Themen (Tags):
software Container Development

50% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
4 Personen, davon 2 Frauen

WeAreDevelopers React Day

02.11.2022       Online

In the past years, we could witness the rise of many JavaScript frameworks- but one of them got especially popular: React. It helps you create your websites at a much faster pace, in an easier way, and with a whole lot of style. Therefore, we finally decided to give this amazing piece of tech the chance to have its dedicated topic day here at WeAreDevelopers Live! If you love JavaScript and its frameworks you should definitely tune in and get some recent insights, tips, and knowledge from some true React-Pros! (Of course, we'll try not to fire up the frontend wars - we promise!)

Themen (Tags):
javascript frontend React Development

50% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
4 Personen, davon 2 Frauen

WeAreDevelopers DevOps Day

19.10.2022       Wien

With the rising demand to quickly deliver high-quality software products to the market and efficiently maintain them, the role of DevOps in the product development lifecycle becomes more important every day. Get recent insights into a great combination of cultural philosophies, work practices, and tools that will increase your ability to deliver applications and services at a faster pace than anyone else. Sounds good? Join the DevOps Day now

Themen (Tags):
devops software Development

50% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
4 Personen, davon 2 Frauen

WeAreDevelopers Python Day

05.10.2022       Online

Python has seen quite a lot of growth in the past years- especially caused by the rising demand for data analysis!

Themen (Tags):
python software Script Development

71% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
65 Personen, davon 19 Frauen

Scrum Days

29.06.2022       Filderstadt

Der Scrum-Day hat sich im Laufe der Jahre zur größten Community Konferenz entwickelt. Schwerpunkte sind natürlich Scrum und alles rund um das beliebte agile Framework.

Themen (Tags):
Agil Projekt it

87% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
23 Personen, davon 3 Frauen

ICA Summit 2022

30.05.2022       München

Innovation Connectivity Autonomous Summit 2022

Themen (Tags):
mobilität Innovation Automobilität

73% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
18 Personen, davon 5 Frauen

Friedhof der Märzgefallenen - Zum Ort der Revolution von 1848 in der DDR

09.06.2022       Berlin

Wissenschaftliche Tagung in Vorbereitung auf das 175-jährige Jubiläum 2023

79% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
19 Personen, davon 4 Frauen


06.05.2022       Hamburg

Packende Talks, Austausch auf Augenhöhe und eine Nacht, die zum Tag wird

Themen (Tags):
Startups Netzwerken

65% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
120 Personen, davon 43 Frauen

flow! Summit

01.04.2022       online

Das größte Online Event Europas. Experten aus den Bereichen Bewusstsein, Coaching, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Medialität, Heilung, Ernährung, Hypnose und vieles mehr!

Themen (Tags):
Persönlichkeitsentwicklung Bewusstsein Coaching Medialität Heilung Ernährung Hypnose

75% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
200 Personen, davon 50 Frauen

WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2022

14.06.2022       Berlin

Whether you build, deploy, emerge or connect - WeAreDevelopers World Congress is the best place to get a complete overview of recent insights and future trends in modern software development.

Themen (Tags):
Developer community berlin Congress

67% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
3 Personen, davon eine Frau

WeAreDevelopers JavaScript Day

18.05.2022       Wien

In the past 25 years JavaScript grew to the most used programming language when it comes to the web. More than 90% of all websites use it in some way. Modern web development is unimaginable without JavaScript anymore and with all the frameworks out there the possibilities for developers become never-ending.

That's why we have invited a bunch of devs and experts from our community to share their knowledge with you and get you updated about some of the best practices and new trends when it comes to JS.

So buckle up, get comfy and enjoy the WeAreDevelopers Live - JavaScript Day!

Themen (Tags):
Developer community javascript Tech

100% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
3 Personen, davon 0 Frauen

WeAreDevelopers Machine Learning Day

23.03.2022       Wien

Get ready for exciting insights and best-practices about Machine Learning - the probably most interesting field of tech.

From AI over deep learning to computer vision and even using the cloud to be even more productive - we have curated some of the most recent topics for you to become a ML Pro!

Interested? Then get yourself comfortable and join us at the Machine Learning Day!

Themen (Tags):
Developer community python Machine Learning

100% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
3 Personen, davon 0 Frauen

WeAreDevelopers Cloud Day

06.04.2022       Wien

From startups and small business to big enterprises - everyone uses clouds nowadays. Modern software and web applications are not imaginable without cloud services anymore.

Learn more about this highly interesting and important topic for developers, DevOps specialists, architects and others at our WeAreDevelopers Live - Cloud Day.

Get yourself comfortable and ready to tune in!

Themen (Tags):
cloud community Tech Development

51% Männer
Insgesamt sprechen:
106 Personen, davon 52 Frauen

Europe 2022

07.02.2022       Digital

Towards A Competitive Europe

Eintrag 21 - 40 von 658 insgesamt